Dragon Lore
evolution of the Dragon
The Dragons jersey has gone through an evolution to arrive at our current design. The club wanted an identity in the early days where many names were floated at the time. The team eventually settled on Jakarta Dragons and before entering the Malaysian tournament in 2009, it was decided to establish our brand…..enter the era of the Dragons.

Original Dragons
2009 - 2012
The original Dragons jersey was a basic sublimated jersey that represented our new team identity in the 2009 Malaysia tournament.
This design was later phased out with the desire for a more professional looking jersey and the need to revamp our logo which had become known unofficially as the “angry rat”.

Dragons V2
2012 - 2016
The Dragons V2 jersey better represented the Komodo Dragon which is our team’s namesake. This new logo and jersey heralded in a new era for the Dragons. The jersey gave the team confidence and on-ice presence that was the beginnings of the core of today’s Dragons team.
The team started designing additional swag to compliment these new jerseys and give the players the team identity on and off the ice.

Dragons 3.0
2016 - present
The current Dragons jersey was originally designed as a third jersey. Dragons V2 came in base red and base white and the team was thinking of sporting another base color jersey. This design was such a hit with the club that a white away jersey was produced and has since been the team identity.
Proudly displaying our logo, we have hats, polos, t-shirts, hockey bags, stickers, flags and many other interesting items to show off our team pride.

Wheels (Limited Edition)
This jersey is a very special edition jersey and dear to members of the club. Our founding captain, Matt Wheeler, tragically passed away in 2014 and some of the original team members wanted to put together a memorial team.
In the 2015 spring Bangkok tournament, members scattered throughout the world came together to honor Matt. In fact, the response was so overwhelming that the Dragons entered two teams, Wheels & Dragons. These fantastic jerseys and memorial team name were proudly represented for our fallen friend and teammate.

IIHL Dragons
The Federasi Hoki Es Indonesia (FHEI) is hosting the Indonesian Ice Hockey League (IIHL) in efforts to have Indonesia represented with IIHF standing. The Dragons entered a local team to support the league and, of course, the game of ice hockey in general. It was decided to keep the well-known name, but changed to the green identity as only a handful of our core team were able to enter for the 2022 season.